Total Gym Prices

Total Gym Best Prices 2022: Tips for Saving Money

If you’re in the market for a Total Gym, then you know that they can be pretty pricey. However, there are ways to get a great deal on a Total Gym if you know where to look.

In this blog post, we’ll share some of the Total Gym equipment prices with you. We’ll also provide some tips on how to get the most out of your purchase. So keep reading to learn more.

What Is a Total Gym and What Are its Key Features?

A Total Gym is a home fitness machine that provides a full-body workout. It has many key features, including:

An adjustable incline ramp for varying levels of difficulty

  • An ergonomic glide board for an effective and comfortable workout
  • Multiple resistance levels to create a custom workout
  • A rowing rail for an intense cardio workout
  • An abdominal crunch station for targeting the abs
  • A Pilates bar for a challenging total body workout

Whether you are looking to tone up, build muscle, or just get healthy and fit, a Total Gym can help you achieve your goals. With its variety of exercises and adjustable difficulty levels, it is perfect for people of all fitness levels.

So, if you are looking for an affordable, effective, and comfortable way to get a full-body workout at home, a Total Gym is a perfect choice.

How Much Does a Total Gym Cost and Where Can You Buy One?

The Total Gym varies in model and typically costs between $200 and $4000, and can be bought from retailers like:

  1. Amazon
  2. Walmart
  3. Target
  4. And, of course, the Total Gym official website

Some health clubs and gyms also offer them for rental or sale. For example, the Total Gym offers a variety of exercises to tone and build muscle and can be used by people of all fitness levels.

It comes with a workout DVD and manual to get started, and there are also many online resources available for guidance on using the Total Gym effectively.

Different Types of Total Gyms

The Total Gym has been a staple in the fitness industry for over 40 years.

While the initial cost of the total Gym may be more expensive than some other pieces of equipment, it is an investment that will last many years.

  1. Total Gym XLS – $1,099.50 at Total Gym Direct
  2. Total Gym GTS -$3,795.00 at Total Gym Direct
  3. Total Gym FIT – $1,699.95 at Total Gym Direct
  4. Total Gym Supreme – $699.00 at Total Gym Direct
  5. Total Gym Apex G5 – $499.99 at Amazon
  6. Total Gym Apex G3 – $399.99 at Amazon
  7. Total Gym Apex G1 – $299.99 at Amazon

Other online stores sell Total Gym machines, so check them as well (a quick Google search will do) before making a purchase.

Reviews of the Top 3 Total Gyms on the Market Today

Total Gym models are some of the most popular home gyms on the market. They offer a great workout and can be easily stored away when not in use. But which one is right for you?

You might be wondering if the Total Gym XLS, the Total Gym Fit, or the Total Gym GTS is right for you. Here’s a look at the differences between these top three models.

  • Total Gym XLS
  • Total Gym Fit
  • Total Gym GTS

1. XLS

If you’re looking for a versatile and affordable home gym, the Total Gym XLS is a great option. It has 6 resistance levels, allowing you to tailor your workout to your fitness level. Plus, with over 80 exercises possible, you’ll never get bored.

The Total Gym XLS comes assembled, so you won’t have to worry about putting it together yourself. And, if you need to spread the cost out, Total Gym XLS has a reasonable payment plan. So, if you’re looking for a quality home gym that won’t break the bank, the Total Gym XLS is a great choice.

2. FIT

The Total Gym FIT is a great option if you’re looking for a total body workout. It has a maximum weight capacity of 400 lbs. and 12 adjustable resistance levels, making it perfect for all fitness levels. Plus, it comes with an upgraded squat stand and leg pulley accessory, giving you everything you need for a complete workout.

3. GTS

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a top-of-the-line home gym with all the bells and whistles, the GTS is a great option. It has 22 levels of resistance, so you can really challenge yourself. Plus, with over 200 exercises possible, you’ll never run out of things to do.

The GTS also comes with someone to assemble it for you, so you won’t have to lift a finger. However, the GTS is significantly more expensive than the Total Gym XLS, so it may not be an option for everyone. But if money is no object and you’re looking for the best of the best, the GTS is a great choice.

So, which Total Gym is right for you? Whichever model you choose, you’re sure to get a great workout with a Total Gym!

Tips for Saving Money on Your Purchase

If you’re looking to save money on your Total Gym purchase, there are a few things you can do. One is to shop around for the best price. Several online retailers sell Total Gym machines, and you can usually find good deals if you compare prices. However, we have shared more effective ways to save from your Total Gym purchase. Check them out below.

Discounts and Coupons

Discounts and coupons are great ways to save money while buying the Total fit equipment. These discounts or coupons are usually given on the official website of Total Gym and by other online sellers.

Sometimes you get discounts of up to 60%. At other times, you get a 10% discount. Free shipping is sometimes offered with T&C applicable.

However, there are a few things you should know before making your purchase from other online retailers.

  • First, check out reviews from other customers to get an idea of the quality and durability of the Total Gym you’re considering.
  • It’s also important to make sure you buy from a reputable retailer; many stores offer great deals on Total Gym models, but some may sell used or refurbished units that don’t meet the same high standards as new models.
  • Finally, be sure to calculate how much you’ll actually use the machine. If you’re only going to use it a few times a month, you may be better off renting one instead of buying. But if you’re planning to use it regularly, a Total Gym can be a great investment that will save you money in the long run.

Total Gym Trial + Payment Plan

If you ever need to get Total Gym equipment but cannot afford the payment at once, don’t worry–there’s a way out. Many people who couldn’t pay upfront still have their personal gyms in their homes, courtesy of the Total Gym Trial and payment plan.

How does it work?

There’s a 30-day period that allows you to try the Total Gym in your home for 30 days. This, of course, is after an initial payment depending on the Total Gym model you’re buying the discount offer available at that period.

Once your order ships, your credit card will be charged for the trial amount. After the 30 days of the first charge, you will be charged again, and keep getting charged after every 30 days until your payment plan is completed.

Total Gym Accessories, Prices, and Warranty

Everything you need for your Total Gym model when it is being purchased is already provided with the Gym. However, due to wear and tear or for whatsoever reason, you may need to buy new accessories before or after the warranty expires.

Warranty will only guarantee you a free replacement of accessories when your machine is still within the warranty period.

Upon expiry of the warranty, you will be charged for purchasing every accessory. Below are some Total Gym accessories and their prices.

  • Total Gym CycloTrainer – $399.95
  • Total Gym 2 Piece Wing Attachment – $79.95
  • Total Gym AbCrunch with DVD – $159.90
  • Total Gym Tri-Grip Shaper Bars – $74.95
  • Total Gym Extra Large Squat Stand – $50.00
  • Total Gym Roller – $99.95
  • Total Gym Roller Pad Duo – $69.95
  • Total Gym Roller Pads – $49.95
  • Total Gym Triceps Rope (Set of 2) – $34.95

There are plenty of other accessories on the Total Gym official website. You will find all the available accessories that you need there.


There’s a warranty period for every Total Gym model. Generally, the warranty covers 6 months on the movable parts of Total Gym and a lifetime for the frame.


The price for a Total Gym ranges from $200 to $4000. Most people believe that the more expensive the Total Gym, the better the quality of the machine. However, this is not always true.

There are many different total gym models on the market, and each one has its own unique features. Therefore, it is essential to do your research before buying to find the model that best suits your needs. What model of Total Gym do you intend to buy?