Total Gym maintenance

How to Clean, Store, and Troubleshoot your Total Gym XLS [Video]

It’s not too late to make good on your resolution to get in shape this year. But with restrictions still in place during Covid, it’s challenging to make it to the gym sometimes. That’s why, in addition to “work from home,” many people have been embracing “workout from home.” And one of the best machines for the home is the Total Gym XLS.

The Total Gym XLS is a very popular home workout machine. It is used by athletes and non-athletes alike for its ability to give a full-body workout in a short amount of time.

Maintenance and cleaning of the Total Gym XLS are important to keep it working properly and lasting as long as possible. In this article, we share the most effective ways to clean and maintain your machine.

And the good thing is, that these tips also work for other personal fitness machines like the Total Gym Fit. So don’t worry if you use a different fitness machine than the Total Gym XLS – you can still use the tips in this article. Now, let’s dive in.

Cleaning and Maintenance

One of the best ways to ensure that your Total Gym XLS stays in good condition is regular cleaning and maintenance. In addition to keeping your equipment looking and working its best, proper cleaning and maintenance can also help to extend the life of your Total Gym XLS.

How to Clean Your Total Gym XLS

  1. Start by unplugging the machine and removing all of the attachments.
  2. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the entire machine, including the frame, bench, and glide board.
  3. A toothbrush or other small brushes can get into the cracks and crevices of difficult-to-reach areas.
  4. To remove any built-up dirt or sweat, use a mild antibacterial detergent and water to create a cleaning solution. Then soak a piece of clean cloth in the liquid and wipe down the entire machine.
  5. Let the machine dry completely before plugging it back in and reassembling the attachments.

How to Maintain Your Total Gym XLS

It’s essential to keep your equipment in good condition so you can continue to use it for years to come. That’s why we’ve compiled a few tips for how to maintain your Total Gym XLS:

  1. First, ensure that the frame is secured to the ground before using it.
  2. Avoid overloading the Total Gym XLS. The maximum weight capacity is 400 lbs.
  3. Be sure to keep all of the cables and pulleys lubricated so that they move smoothly.
  4. If the Total Gym XLS starts making strange noises or seems to be malfunctioning, discontinue use and contact customer care.


The XLS is a bulky machine and takes up a lot of space. Create enough room to store it before purchasing. It can be stored in a closet, but make sure there is enough room for the door to close. You can also buy a storage rack to hang the machine on.

How to Store Your Total Gym XLS

These tips can help you store your Total Gym XLS properly.

  • Fold it up and place it in the storage bag that came with the machine. This will help protect the machine from dust and debris and keep it in good condition for future use. The video below this list shows you how to properly fold your XLS machine.
  • If you do not have the storage bag, you can fold the machine and place it in a closet or other storage area.
  • Keep the machine out of direct sunlight and away from any heat sources, as these can damage the equipment.
  • Ensure that the machine is completely dry before folding it up and storing it away, as moisture can cause corrosion or rust.

Folding the Total Gym XLS:


There are a few common problems people experience with the Total Gym XLS, and fortunately, most of them are easy to troubleshoot.

Common Problems and How to Solve Them

The most significant gripe people seem to have about the Total Gym XLS is that it’s not very sturdy. Some users have said that it wobbles and tips easily, which can be dangerous. Others have complained about the quality of the materials used, saying that they don’t feel like they will last long.

Another common problem is that the pulleys and cables can start to fray fairly quickly, especially if the machine is used often. This can cause the equipment to break down or stop working altogether.

Finally, some people have said that the assembly instructions are unclear, making it tricky to put the machine together.

Let’s take a look at potential solutions for these issues.

1. Tip Hazard:

The unit is not very sturdy and can easily topple over.

Try placing a mat under your machine. This can add a degree of extra stability.

Make sure you do not exceed the maximum weight of 400 lbs. when using the machine.

Exercise caution when using this piece of equipment.

2. Durability Issues:

The Total Gym XLS components are reasonably solid and will enable the machine to serve its purpose for a reasonably long time. Some of the product specifications include:

  • A chromed steel pulley case with a plastic pulley wheel
  • A 1000 lb. vinyl-coated cable
  • Padded ABS swivel handles made of soft synthetic rubber with nylon webbing for hammer grip action

If you are concerned about the durability of the Total Gym XLS, here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. There’s a 5-year warranty on the frame and the moving parts are covered for six months, so if there’s any damage before the warranty period expires, contact customer support for a replacement.
  2. If your warranty period has expired, many Total Gym XLS component replacement stores provide quality spare parts for your machine should they wear out.

Some common Total Gym XLS replaceable parts include:

  • Cables
  • Deluxe wheel assembly kits
  • A long hitch pin
  • A safety hitch pin
  • A wing attachment foam grip
  • A wing attachment foam heel pad
  • A metal D-Ring for the Total Gym leg pulley attachment
  • Pulley Assemblage

3. Fraying Pulley and Cables

Like every machine out there, nothing is designed to last forever. The pulleys and cables of the Total Gym XLS machine do wear out over time, but there are some steps you can take to make them last longer.

  1. First, make sure the resistance band is attached securely to the pulley.
  2. The glide board must be in the correct position for your height.
  3. If you notice visible wear to the pulley or cables, discontinue use until the parts are replaced. This will reduce the risk of an accident while using your machine.

4. Unclear Assembly Instructions

The truth is that assembly instructions for some products are just hard to understand, so many people just skim over those instructions if they look at them at all.

However, with this particular machine, you do not need to worry as most of the hard work has been done by the manufacturer. The following are some basic instructions in order to get your machine in a ready-to-work position:

  1. The Total Gym XLS comes assembled; you only need to get standing and working.
  2. Lay your machine flat on the floor while still in the box and take the lid and tape off.
  3. Take off the cardboard at the squat stand area and remove the squat stand positioned under the letter “T.” Also, remove the foam hands from the squat stand.
  4. Walk to the other end of your Total Gym XLS and insert your squat stand into the correct position.
  5. Walk over to the top of your Total Gym XLS, bend your knees, and pull up the machine gently.
  6. Slide your machine open gently and take out the accessories inside it.
  7. Unfold your Total Gym XLS and pull the height adjustment handle up to your desired level.
  8. Make sure you always attach the safety hitch pin.
  9. Use cables only when using the machine. When not in use, disable the cables.

Check out the video below to make sure you know how to properly unfold your Total Gym XLS.

Unfolding the Total Gym XLS:

5. Product Replacement

If, after using your Total Gym XLS, you feel like you need a higher-quality exercise machine, consider upgrading to the Total Gym Fit. Its higher weight limit translates to greater stability, and its longer warranty period means you won’t need to worry about costly parts replacements for some time to come.

Of course, the Fit also comes with a higher price tag, but the additional features and functionality may well be worth the extra expense for you.


Cleaning and maintenance are essential to keep your Total Gym XLS in good condition. By following the proper steps, you’ll be sure that your machine will last for years to come. Don’t forget that other fitness machines, like the Total Gym Fit, can be maintained in the same way as the XLS.

If you experience any problems with your machine, try troubleshooting them before contacting customer care.

Hopefully, this article has provided you with the information necessary to maintain your Total Gym XLS. Did you find these tips helpful? How has your XLS experience been? Please share your thoughts in the comments section!